Equality in Schools

Building a future of inclusion

Equality in Schools

Building a future of inclusion

Gender equality is of paramount importance in schools as it lays the foundation for a fair and inclusive society. By ensuring equal opportunities for all students, regardless of gender, schools foster an environment where every individual can thrive and reach their full potential. Embracing gender equality not only promotes social justice but also enhances educational outcomes by breaking down barriers and stereotypes that may limit students’ aspirations and achievements. Moreover, by actively promoting gender equality, schools empower students to challenge discriminatory attitudes and behaviors, fostering a culture of respect, acceptance, and diversity. Ultimately, by prioritizing gender equality in education, schools not only contribute to the personal development and success of their students but also play a pivotal role in building a more equitable and harmonious society for future generations.

Barcley is one of the leading national authorities on designing equality into education. The “Barcley equality index” is the gold standard in the measurement of some twenty equality indicators within primary and secondary school environments.  Barcley works with education institutions to baseline their existing levels of equality and design comprehensive improvement programs across both hard elements like systems and processes as well as softer cultural and change considerations. We support our clients to build compelling economic, social and academic cases around the justifications for change.

What We Do

Key Steps


Develop the rational and commitment

  • Development of a detailed business case highlighting “why” the school believes addressing and improving gender equality
  • Nurturing of senior leaders as committed champions of the proposed equality project

Gender Equality Diagnostic

  • Development of a clear picture of the status of gender equality in the school using the Barcley equality index
  • Assessment across a broad set of criteria to highlight existing strengths, weaknesses and blind spots

Build the vision

  • Collaborative workshops with leaders and employees to obtain buy-in and build a common vision that is shared across the school with respect to equality.

Gender Equality Diagnostic

  • Development of a clear picture of the status of gender equality in the school using the Barcley equality index
  • Assessment across a broad set of criteria to highlight existing strengths, weaknesses and blind spots

Develop and Implement the Strategy

  • Development of an explicit gender equality strategy consisting of goals, tangible initiatives and KPI’s
  • Clear communication of the strategy, dedication of resources and allocation of responsibility for initiatives

Monitor, evaluation and review

  • Structured and regular monitoring focused on achievement of initiative milestones but also impact of the overall program on gender equality within the school.

Embracing Equality

You can promote are more inclusive and equitable learning environment

What We Do

Inclusion and equality is a complex ecosystem that requires the alignment of multiple forces within an educational environment. Contrary to common belief, it is not enough simply to change a number of policies and expect that the school will be able to see a genuine impact with respect to equality. Instead schools must crack the code on improving the inclusive and equitable individual experience for students. Making genuine change means that a school should consider equality across three different lens: Systems, Leaders and Peers. Systems looks at the formalised policies and procedures in place, including how these are implemented and communicated. Leaders refers to how teachers and student leaders embrace equality principles and Peers considers the degree to which students are prepared to stand-up for each other in daily interactions in order to create an equitable and including environment.

Inclusion and Equality Strategy Framework

  • 1.Self-expression
  • 2.Protective mechanisms
  • 3.Connection opportunities
  • 4.Collective identity
  • 5.Meritocracy
  • 6.Resource accessibility
  • 7.Work-life support
  • 8.Participative decision making
  • 9.Team building
  • 10.Impartial treatment
  • 11.Mentorship
  • 12.Sponsorship
  • 13.Advocacy
  • 14.Allyship
  • 15.Mutual respect
  • 16.Idea integration
  • 17.Peer support
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