Transaction Advisory:

Realtime value creation

Few events unleash as much opportunity to create value as a well-conceived—and well-executed—transaction. However more than half of all M&A transactions and post-merger integrations end up destroying value. The key challenge is that these deals are complex, and for many companies, infrequent, meaning they typically lack the experience and competency to execute well.

At Barcley, we support businesses with end-to-end transaction excellence, including strategic decision making in mergers and acquisitions, preparing and executing divestitures and joint ventures and creating winning strategies for post-merger integration.

We help both corporate and private equity clients to execute deals efficiently and, more importantly, to maximize value.

What we do

Valuation and due diligence

We help our clients apply the technical principles of valuation to their strategic decision making and M&A considerations. We support both buy-side and sell side due diligence.

Acquisition integration

We help clients address the most critical integration success factors from start to finish, ensuring inherent risks are mitigated to the greatest degree possible. We support integration activities across functional mergers, planning, value capture and change management.

Startup and Financing

We work with early and growth stage businesses to assess their optimal capital structures and develop go-to-market strategies around financing.

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